Color Spectrum - Grid

Using a simple grid system to build a color spectrum based on the current locations of mouseX and mouseY

            @ Key Params:   stepX -> Determine the grid step on x-axis / Determine the width of unit grid. 决定栅格系统在横轴X上的间隔 / 决定单位栅格的宽度
                            stepY -> Determine the grid step on y-axis / Determine the height of unit grid. 决定栅格系统在纵轴Y上的间隔 / 决定单位栅格的高度
                            currentGridY -> locate the current starting y location of the grid / Determine the saturation of this grid. 定位当前栅格的起始y坐标 / 决定当前栅格的饱和度
                            currentGridY -> locate the current starting x location of the grid / Determine the hue of this grid.. 定位当前栅格的起始x坐标 / 决定当前栅格的色相

            @ Interactions: mouseX -> moving cursor from left to right will change the width of unit grid. 鼠标左右移动将改变单位栅格的宽度
                            mouseY -> moving cursor from top to bottom will change the height of unit grid. 鼠标上下移动将改变单位栅格的高度

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